What do we do?
Hope is a community of sinners redeemed by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. This identity is part of what makes us different from many other Christian churches, and you can learn more about that difference here. We invite you to come and experience the difference on Sunday mornings with us.
We worship together at 9a every Sunday in our beautiful sanctuary. After worship, we gather in the Great Room of our Center for Faith Development for coffee, donuts, and community. At 10:45a there are Sunday School and Bible classes for all ages.
What is it like?
Our services on Sunday mornings are built around the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything from the beginning of the service to the end is designed to point to the will of God for our lives, the salvation we receive as a gift from Jesus Christ, and our faithful response of praise and discipleship. We call worship a “Divine Serve” because we trust that God comes to us and works in our midst when we gather together.
At Hope, we worship in a traditional way. We rely on patterns and rhythms of worship that have been used by Christians for centuries to glorify God and disciple His people. When you join us, there is an opportunity to follow along in our hymnals or you can use the screens installed in our Sanctuary.
What about my kids?
Having kids in worship is a blessing to the congregation. Most of our services include a children’s message where the kids will be invited to the front for a lesson meant especially for them. We have a nursery for younger kids (up to three years old) and a live stream in our Center for Faith Development if you have a child who needs a break from the Sanctuary.
At Hope, we recognize that the best way for kids to learn what it looks like to worship is for them to be in worship with their families. We prioritize giving families an opportunity to worship together - even if that means there is extra noise or mess in the Sanctuary.
What should I wear?
When we gather for worship, some parts of our community wear suits and dresses while other parts of our community wear shorts and t-shirts. The most common level of dress is business casual, but we will not single you out for how you are dressed. If you want to come in a three-piece suit, great! If you want to come in shorts and a t-shirt, great! We are overjoyed to welcome you to our community, regardless of how you are dressed!